
Showing posts from January, 2018

Guy Revokes New Year Resolution as It Was Made under Alcohol’s Influence

Kathmandu:  Mr. Santarem, a banker by profession, had taken a swear to quit booze at New Year ’s Eve jam, which was going to be his biggest resolution of his life. However, he revoked his decision very next day.   “Everyone were telling me that I have promised not to touch alcohol as New Year’s resolution. I must have been very high during party to make pointless statements like that. However, this promise can’t be serious since it was taken under alcohol’s influence”, Santarem said to team of Fake It Nepal before he was going to take his tequila shots. “We must not make priority decisions or game changing while being drunk, and if it is especially related to drinking.” He told Fake It Nepal. “Quitting smoking is very easy. I have done it many times.” famously once said and now I say “Quitting to drink is very easy, I do it everyday.”, he said before taking his 4 th large peg.

‘Time Management’ Instructor Takes 1 Hour On 1st Slide, 5 Minutes For Next 40 Slides

Kathmandu :   In some organizations, Human Resource takes personal development trainings/skills really seriously for their employees as a part of their annual target, And this year, they have selected ‘Time Management’ as required soft skill training. And, this time trainer was different.  And in training, “Though trainer took 1 hour to move from 1 st slide to 2 nd one, rest of the 40 slides he did in next 5 minutes in-order to conclude so called time management training on time. We all congratulated his ‘effort’ for penetrating to time and gave him a standing ovation,” said Mangal B who was attending his 11 th time management training in 5 years of his career. As Mangal arrived on training only 2 minutes early, Trainer felt offended, he said, “I expect all the trainees to appear 15 minutes prior training starts. As all of you needs to take handouts, write down your names and signature on attendance sheet, and warm-up and focus only on training.”

Due To Less Oxygen In Flight, Potato Chips Saved Lives

Passengers on-board flight from Bhadrapur to Kathmandu faced a petty worry after having breathing problem drastically while the flight was cruising at an altitude of 13000 ft only. And the presence of mind of one passenger warrant that things did not get worse after he used the air filled packets of Lays as oxygen mask. Jagat K, an employee from Bhadrapur on the flight, was praised by flight representatives for this instant aid that saved lives. Mr. Jagat K while sharing details of the incident with Fake It Nepal said, “I usually carry lot of snacks while travelling. And in this trip I had lays as well. Half an hour into the flight, most of us were feeling out of breath. The cabin crew broadcasted that oxygen mask will fall but that did not. That’s when it struck me that these unopened packets of lays air will be useful.” Sources claimed the packets had oxygen enough for 1 more hour in case.

Leading Bank Opens Jobs For 1500; Considering For Freshers With 1 Year Of Relevant Experience

Nowhere :One of the leading bank has recently opened job vacancies for 1500 freshers all over country. Resulting the happiness among freshers & graduates who were struggling in finding a job. However, it is rightly said that there are no free dines. There was a hook to this vacancy made by bank. Although it has opened 1500 vacancies, it will only hire freshers having 1 years of relevant experience. Confused by this no so usual condition; thousands of newbies gathered around bank’s HO. However, management gave yawning indifference to their questions. We got hold of on one of graduate who was opposing outside banks HO and spoke to Fake It Nepal “Its not the 1 st time this bank did this. Previous time, it published that it has 800 jobs and hiring. So I prepared well and went for the interview. As interview started, the HR informed us only graduates having 5 years of experience are eligible to apply for the position. We talked to another activist and here he goes talking to F

Employee Feel Extra Patriotic As This Time Martyr’s Day (Sahid Diwas) Is Not On Saturday

Kathmandu:  A research conducted by JPTBCNC has discovered employee are feeling more nationalistic this year as Martyr’s day is not on weekend this year. Banking professional Rijal K (name changed) is one such gentleman who says that he is feeling “Enough Patriotic” this year. He said, “I am planning writing out my holiday plans well in advance. My day will start with 1974 A.D ‘Raato Ra Chandra Surya ” “ Mann Ta Mero Nepali Ho ” playing at high volume.” As per the investigation, employees and students who gets public holidays on Saturdays are the nightmares for them. Being able make holiday plan for an extra week-off has helped them of a much needed break from their daily routine. “Most of the public holidays were not on (Saturday) weekends this year, definitely we are more patriotic than ever this time.” asked a college student talking to Fake It Nepal.

#Banker Finally Confesses For Talking Loudly on Phone for Influencing His Colleagues

Kathmandu:  A Banker from Metropolitan City has become the 1st employee ever to confess of speaking loudly on mobile which is more than necessary in his calls just for impressing colleagues around him. Speaking to Fake It Nepal in a chiya pasal , Hamal Khatri said, “Talking loudly on mobile call makes me feel that I am superstar of my department. I’m the only topic expert in my assignment and I love it when fellows near me get stunned by choice of jargon's that i use. I got so much fond to talking loudly that I don’t even remember when I started non-sensing. However, this has set me the skill of fake confidence which is in line with my style mantra:  fake it until you make it “ He is popular among entry level trainees. Judgebati Prasad, an entry level trainee assistant said, “I wish I become like Hamal sir. He seems to be super genius and I trust that everyone at onsite team is existing because of him. He seems to have developed them well.” Judgebati’s opinion, however

Kathmandu based girl becomes Food Blogger after finding mashed potato inside Pani Puri

23,  Jan 2018 By  Fake It Nepal Kathmandu. Food blogging is a fashion that has been growing its popularity for last few years. Not everyone can become a food blogger as not everyone understands the ins and outs of it. Recently, a food blogger named Hanteni Kumari shot to fame after she became a food blogger just by identifying the presence of mashed potato inside Pani Puri served by her favourite Pani-puri wala. Talking to Fake It Nepal she said “Not everyone can become a food blogger. You need to know each and every taste and the thin line that distinguishes these tastes. Earlier, I only used to know 2 tastes – sweet and spicy. But after tasting many different dishes made by mom, I came to know about the 3rd taste – sour. Once you’ve tasted enough foods and if you’re vocabulary is proficient enough, only then can you become a food blogger. and realised a very important thing. I had seen some food-blogging sites, so I logged into one and entered the review of my mom’s haluwa.

Guy Earning Less Than 4 lacs Per Annum Gets Surprise Call From School For His Son’s New Admission

Kathmandu : Rakesh B, working for a bank was surprised when he got an meeting call from a reputed school for his son’s school admission. “I never thought school will call me watching my income is still less than 4 Lacs per annum,” said Rakesh while speaking to Fake It Nepal. “The school, according to many is measured among the best ones in Kathmandu. Probably that is factual because by the time I went school to collect form for admission, saw few hundred people have already made a big line in queue,” said Rakesh about his first understanding at the school. Rakesh added, “I have no idea why school charged me 2500 Rs. for that form, it was just a simple 3-page form with 50% of it asking for details about guardians income. I had all the required papers like income certificate duly signed by a HR , so submitted the form there only. Feeling Proud that I did great thing for my child.” “However, the smile from my face disappeared as soon as I talked to some my coworkers at bank who hav

Café & Restaurant Rises The Cost In The Menu By 2X, After Adding 'Organic' As Prefix

Kathmandu.   A café in the city has raised the price of all snacks in the menu by 2 times, after adding ‘Organic’ prefix. The new slogan will help the business skyrocketing with exponential profits, the industry specialists are believed to be said. “The upper society measure changes with moving times. Earlier it used to be jewelry. Now, its only organic food or nothing. All organic café & restaurant, despite being costly, are the chosen eating for the new gen of organietarians. We don’t complain though,” an associate of an organic cafe told Fake It Nepal. “I eat only organic food. Genetically changed food and anything not from organic farming, I do not even look at it. Even, my pets are organic. a lady told Fake It Nepal. Organic slogan is so wild in scope; it caught up with the food industry as well. Departmental store samosa stall amazes the commuters with ‘Organic Samosa and Aalu Chop’ advertisement; it is learnt by Fake It Nepal.

Banker’s total savings for his kid's schooling gets over at UKG Level

21,Jan 2018 By Fake It Nepal Kathmandu:  Maha P, a banker used to work for Astha Bank (Probably the only trust depositor bank who puts money on advertisement for same), took early departure to pursue his hobby of photography. Due to the penny-wise  lifestyle, he maintained throughout his job life, Maha thought, he has saved enough for his son’s graduate level education. “10 days back after I paid for my son’s 3 rd  term fees, all my savings marked towards his education is finished. He is in U-KG right now, I am confused, what am I going to do now”, said Maha while speaking to Fake It Nepal. On the forecasting he did, Maha said, “5 years back before Davis (his son) was born, I met with one of my friends who is an economist. We tested all the schools in the locality of my area. Ignoring the top end big shot schools where parents drink their morning coffee in Himalayan Java, most of the other schools were in my economy. Maha added, “We used an excel sheet and putting countr

Veggies Turns Into Non-vegetarian Throughout Office Parties, Consumes Free Alcohol As Well

21,Jan 2018 By Fake It Nepal Kathmandu.  An abstainer veggie was found grazing on lots of non-veg food and drinking loads of booze in one of the office events. He turns himself to convert a pure non-veggie and a whiskey expert during all of his office events, it is learnt by Fake It Nepal as communicated by HR of the bank. “Mr. Sarif Jyada (Kum Haina Jyada) is someone whom we all warmly call as a perfectionist to values. He is a devoted veggie and an stubborn non-drinker. Eats only vegetables and salad for lunch, drinks nothing but water and never once will visit the smoking zone. For him, non-veg is an 18+ joke and smoke is something like violating code of ethics. However, he never smokes despite the intense stress in work pressure. We miscarry to know why he behaves like this during office events,” the HR manager told Fake It Nepal. “It is pure finances. I live under extremely tight finance. Veggies and salad is all that I can have for meal. If office would keep alcoh

‌“Sent from my iPhone” को सट्टा “Sent from my Intex” देखेर केटीले तोडिन् आफ्नो विवाह

20 Jan 2018 By फेक इट नेपाल पोखरा . बेलायतमा बसोबास रहेको २५ बर्षकी iPhone कुमारी विवाह गर्न पोखरा आएकी थिइन्। उनको परिवारमा विवाहको कुराले रौनक छाएको थियो तर एकाएक त्यो रौनक निरासामा परिणत भयो जब iPhone कुमारीले सहमत गरिएको विवाह नगर्ने आह्वान गरिन्। विवाह नगर्ने पछि हटेको कारण एउटा मेसेज रहेको बताइन्छ। छिमेकीबाट प्राप्त जानकारी अनुसार iPhone कुमारीको विवाह बुटवलमा मोबाइल ब्यापार गर्ने Mobile बहादुरसँग तय भएको थियो। हिजो राती Mobile बहादुरले मायाले भरिएको मेसेज पठाएका थिए। मेसेजको अन्तिम भागमा “Sent from my Intex” देख्नासाथ iPhone कुमारीको हातबाट Mobile खस्यो र उनी चक्कर लागेर लड्न पुगिन्। उनी बजारिए पछि घरमा हल्ला - खल्ला मच्चियो। धेरै मिहिनेत गरेर उनलाई होसमा ल्याइएको थियो। होसमा आउने बित्तिकै उनले फेरी सुनाइन् “Micromax भएको भएपनि ठिक थियो म सहन सक्थे। बट ... 'Intex!' ओ माई गड !” भनेर फेरि बेहोस भइन्। iPhone कुमारी फेरि होसमा आएपछि Mobile बहादुरस

Banker Even After Becoming ‘Sr. Officer’ Still Does What He Used To Do As Junior Officer

19,Jan 2018 By Fake It Nepal Kathmandu:  Saphal B working for a leading bank in Nepal has seen a lot of changes in his 10 years career in the banking industry. One thing has not changed like fresher’s starting salary, that is his day to day activities what he does for the company. “Six promotions in 10 years is not bad. From a Trainee Assistant to Assistant to Sr. Assistant, then Junior Officer, Officer, and then my latest promotion to Sr. Officer a couple of months back. But daily I do the same job what I used to do when I got my first job in personal lending unit,” said Saphal while speaking to Fake It Nepal. Saphal said, “HR still arrange 3 compulsory programs for us every six months on Quality management, Time management and Stress Management. Every year we will have team building exercise in Dhulikhel where team members will hold a rope while climbing the rock. Only change is now rope is quite thick and strong as most of us have added extra weight to our bodies..”

120 Minutes Of Tussle Customer Served By Right Call Centre Agent Of Bank But Forgets What He Called For

18,Jan By Fake It Nepal Kathmandu:  Bhul Bahadur after struggling for 2 hours was connected to the right customer representative of the bank, however his motive remained incomplete as he forgot for what he called for. “Customer care representative at the other end was frequently asking me, how can I help you sir? I was trying to recall, but nothing came to mind. Not to show the bank call center person I am a fool, just asked what is the last date update KYC with bank account,” said Bhul Bahadur while speaking to one his colleague at office. “ If it takes 2 hours to get my call handled by right customer care agent, I shall even forget my wife’s name during that era. [Censored]Yaad huncha k kaam le phone garya thye bhanera ” said Bhul Bahadur . While sharing his customer care experience with his colleague, he said, “Early around 10 AM I called them, heard I am in the queue. Then I went for shower keeping my phone in hands free, then ate breakfast, replied all my pending

Guy Endures Learning For Taking Bath During Cold Weather

18,Jan 2018 By Fake It Nepal Kathmandu : It had happened many time to all the men that we went for a bath on a chilly morning and the water was icy .This mismatch became a daily routine for Kathmandu-based Bridge Mohan, which made him skip bathing for 4 times a week. However, he didn’t give up. 3 months ago, he underwent a training program for mixing the perfect amount of hot and cold water for bathing, and today, he bathes daily and even enjoys the bath to the last drop of water. While talking to Fake It Nepal Team, in his bathroom where he showed us a demonstration of his recently developed technique. Here he goes sharing his expertise. “Look 1 st you fill half the bucket with hot water. Second step is taking 4 mugs of cold water from the other bucket and pouring it in the hot bucket. Third step is to mix it and test the hotness using your hand. You repeat these 3 steps until you gain the perfect mixture of hot and cold water. Trust me, when you get the right temperature

Siraha Paan Eater, Spits Sold As Abstract Paint

17, Jan 2018 By Fake It Nepal Siraha : It is a known fact that majority of the population of Siraha is into the business of selling pan masala and the entire population is into eating pan masala. However, Bikaso has created a profession out of eating pan/gutkha. Popularly known as Painter Bikaso , He is one-of-his-kind painter who creates abstract art by spitting pan/gutkha on a white paper or canvas. It was not until age 6 when Mr.Bikaso discovered his talent. He says, “I started eating pan at the age of 4. Yes, I was late as compared to other kids in siraha but I didn’t give up. By the time I learned to spit properly, I also developed the ability to make patterns by spitting pan/gutkha.” He further added that despite his delayed start, it was his dedication to spit that brought him all the success. Bikaso's mother, who initially didn’t support his profession, is all praise for him now. “I was very frustrated because he spat on the walls of the house. After a point in tim

Man loses adequate weight in bank’s long lines, calls it a life-time achievement

16, Jan 2018  By Fake It Nepal Lalitpur:  35 years old Motey Bahadur, who had taken up a gym membership few months back to lose weight, has canceled it today after reaching his target weight. What months of gym training couldn’t do, 2 days of queuing up outside the local BNB Bank’s branch, a Joint Venture with infamous bank of Latvia,  has done for Motey Bahadur and he is looking fitter than Bhuwon K.See. Motey Bahadur who has struggled with weight issues throughout his youth is delighted with the outcome and has thanked BNB Bank for getting him back into shape. “I used to kill myself in the gym, working out daily, so many exercises, but my weight barely decreased. I was starting to get depressed and thinking about joining another gym to see if it gets me different results. However, Two of the tellers taking leave and cash counter operated by a single teller came as a great solution for my problem”, Motey Bahadur said speaking to Fake It Nepal. “I had to deposit cash to m

नेपालगन्जमा बाक्लो हुसु-कुहिरोको कारण मॉर्निंग वॉक गर्ने युवा बिजुली पोलसँग ठोक्किएर घाइते, पोलको अवस्था चिन्तामुक्त

१५ , जन २०१८ नेपालगन्ज निवासी २५ वर्षको भगुवा बहादुर बिहान सबेरै उठेर मर्निङ वाकमा जान सिपालु छन्। जति जाडो मौसम भएपनि उनको जिद्दीको अगाडि कसैको केही लाग्दैन , यही कारणले गर्दा आज बिहान गरे ब्यापक हुसु - कुहिरो को बावजूद पनि कुद्न को लागि निस्किए महेन्द्र पार्कतर्फ। कानमा एरफोन , KTM CITY को ट्र्याक सुट र Goldstar को जुता लगाएर निस्केको भगुवा बहादुर बिजुलीको पोलमा ठोक्किएपछि महेन्द्र पार्क पुग्न पाएनन्। त्यस घटनापछि गरिएको अनुसन्धानबाट खुल्न आएको जानकारी यो छ कि घटनाको मुख्य कारण " बाक्लो कुहिरो " र " एरफोन " को डेड्ली कम्बिनेशन रहेको थियो। यसै पनि बाक्लो कुहिरो लागेको बेला भिजिबिलिटी कम हुन्छ र एरफोनमा बज्दै गरेको " कृ " चलचित्रको हालै भाइरल भएको " एति एति पानी " बोलको गीतमा बढी उनको ध्यान भएकोले उनी ठोक्किन पुगे बिजुलीको पोलमा। यद्यपी घटनाको बेला उनी कुन गीत सुन्दै थिए भन्ने अवस्थामा फेक इट नेपाल छैन। यस घटना