Veggies Turns Into Non-vegetarian Throughout Office Parties, Consumes Free Alcohol As Well

21,Jan 2018 By Fake It Nepal

Kathmandu. An abstainer veggie was found grazing on lots of non-veg food and drinking loads of booze in one of the office events. He turns himself to convert a pure non-veggie and a whiskey expert during all of his office events, it is learnt by Fake It Nepal as communicated by HR of the bank.

“Mr. Sarif Jyada (Kum Haina Jyada) is someone whom we all warmly call as a perfectionist to values. He is a devoted veggie and an stubborn non-drinker. Eats only vegetables and salad for lunch, drinks nothing but water and never once will visit the smoking zone. For him, non-veg is an 18+ joke and smoke is something like violating code of ethics. However, he never smokes despite the intense stress in work pressure. We miscarry to know why he behaves like this during office events,” the HR manager told Fake It Nepal.
“It is pure finances. I live under extremely tight finance. Veggies and salad is all that I can have for meal. If office would keep alcohol, I can drink it by liters to cool myself down from the tension levels. But, there is only a water dispenser in the pantry. I know people mistake me to be a pure vegetarian and an abstainer. I am not at all a veggie by choice. I am one out of no choice, absolutely on financial restrictions,” Mr. Sarif explained his side of the story.
“Now this huge image has been developed around me and I have a status to live up to. When HR arranges chance almost every quarter, I am not allowed to go anywhere near the non-vegetarian section. My friends never call me to badel parties or sekuwa night outs. During office parties, I let it go in full on. The moment someone takes a drink of whiskey and pick a few chicken drumsticks, I join them in with my own non-veg platter. Sure, a lot of eyebrows are normally raised. But, I don’t care. Under the costume of living the official spirit for a night, I taste all kinds of spirits available in the bar,” Mr. Sarif ended the story.
On the way out from his office, Mr. Sarif was seen respectfully declining to a piece of cake, offered by a birthday boy, citing the reason that it is not egg-less. 


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