Kid Frustrated After Relatives Gave Him Only 10 Rupees While Departure

13,Jan 2018 By Fake It Nepal

Biratnagar: 10 years old Babu was left bitterly disappointed when his maternal uncle and aunt gave him only a 10 rupee note while leaving after a week stay with his family. Visiting relatives giving some money to kids in the house is a long standing tradition in these parts and Babu was expecting for at least Rs.100 each from his uncle and aunt both if not Rs. 500, but eventually ended up with just 10 rupees.

Speaking to Fake It Nepal, a frustrated Babu said ,”Better not to have relatives than have misers like them as relatives. Throughout their stay, I acted so politely with them. I turned on my cute charm and entertained them. Got them whatever they needed, didn’t throw any tantrum in front of parents to show what a nice kid I am and what do I get for all that, 10 rupees? Can’t even buy a Kinder Joy packet with this.”
Furthermore, he added ,”I should have got the hint that they won’t give anything for me when they never left any biscuits for me after tea. As per tradition, my mother had instructed me that first I should let the guests have biscuits and any biscuits left would be mine. But throughout the two weeks, I never got any biscuits, all they left in the plate was some crumbs.”
When asked if there might be something he did to offend them during their stay, Babu said , “No, I don’t think it has anything to do with me. I have thought about it and I think this must be due to credit crunch in Nepal’s market. Nobody is carrying around any large denomination note with them any more. Just Rs.10-20 are left in everyone’s pocket and maybe that is why they gave me such a low amount.”

#FakeItNepal  #CreditCrunch   #guests #Nepal  #Kids #Relatives


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